5 Myths of Teaching Toddlers Through Pre-School Learning
Pre-school helps a child get engaged from an early age and assist in performing or grasping basic behaviour. This avenue is beneficial for the little ones in several ways; however, there are a lot of myths revolving around this. When we search for options of the best pre-school, we can find the benefits of starting education early in life.
Eliminating some myths that have sprung up about pre-school learning
Many find the idea of pre-school quite bizarre and constantly advocate to discourage parents from sending their children to one.
Here are some popular myths they have to listen to, regarding pre-school education when they ironically try to search for the best preschool in ahmedabad.
1. The child cannot learn much as a toddler: The biggest myth that comes up is that the education provided in these years is ineffective and of no use later on. It has been concluded in scientific reports that early childhood years in a child's life are the best times to sow the seeds of learning of the basic concepts, including alphabets and numbers. If children are taught critical stuff at this age, and their motor skills are enhanced, it will be very beneficial for them in the long run. Reciting rhymes, playfully teaching them, telling them about shapes /colors /animals /transport, etc. is not stressful for them but actually engages them into something fruitful and feeds into their natural curiosity.
2. Useless to admit children at an early age: There is a myth regarding the expenses of pre-school education. Some parents searching for the best nursery school for their child also quibble about the futility of getting the children admitted into a pre-school. According to them, spending on something that will give no returns to the child is useless, especially since they believe they can handle it all at home. Such parents try to enroll their children directly to a good school when they grow up. They who feel pre-schools are useless, also question their child’s inability to gel with other children in school, and also see them struggle to cope with regular studies.
3. Children should not be put through stress at an early age: Some people who discourage and confuse new parents about pre-school education come up with issues concerning the disregard of the children towards education because they think that since they are put into pre-school at a very young age, they tend to hate education in the later years and drop out of school. This accusation is also totally useless as no pre-school stresses out the child with studies. The main motto of this education is to let the child enjoy and play and learn eventually. So, there is no kind of performance pressure as this emphasizes brushing up the child's social skills.
4. Children’s performance in early age doesn’t really matter: It is vital to look into how the kids' performance is after they have studied at a pre-school in the later years. Even though the ill propagators say that their achievement does not matter, but we all know that it does. It is complicated to see a child struggling once they reach the age where they get admitted to a proper school. Their performance usually remains average as they struggle to adjust and cope with sudden pressure when they start attending regular school.
5. Pre-schools are pastime for toddlers, nothing else: This myth propagates the theory that toddlers usually play in pre-school and learn nothing. But the fact is that toddlers are taught numbers, alphabets, poetry, and activities that enhance their motor skills during their pre-school schedule. These children then stop playing tantrums and become creative and constructive in their activities, right from the initial stage of schooling. Those who do not send toddlers to pre-school usually find tantrums and several other antics that are tough to be controlled during school days. Every pre-school helps the child learn to be social with other children of their age, make friendships, hold conversations, share things, and learn values such as obedience and honesty among parents and teachers, among regular educational topics suitable for their ages.

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